Te Kura Pūtahi o Waihi
Moresby Avenue, Waihi 3610. PH: 07 863 8709 / 0273358335 Mon-Fri .8:30 am-3 pm admin@waihicentral.school.nz Facebook: Waihi Central School
Welcome to Waihi Central School's Website - Where you can see what our school is all about and what is going on each week.
We asked our school community what they wanted to see incorporated in the design, we collected all the responses and with lots of discussions this is the final result.
The koru represents the child. Our tamariki are at the center of everything we do. As the koru unfurls it shows the importance of whānau wrapping around tamariki. It shows the support our whānau give to their tamariki in their life journey and in their time here at Central.
The fronds at the top of the logo represent the kura. They show how we support, reach out, over, and around our tamariki and whānau.
Below the koru is our awa, Ohinemuri. This moves into our whenua where we stand. Behind the pump house is Pukewa; our maunga wairua.
And the pump house represents the mining and settler history of Waihi.
This year there is no charge to families for stationery. The cost is covered by the school and all stationery is in the class ready for the students to use.
Term 1 - February 05 - April 11
Feb 6 - Waitangi Day
Term 2 - April 28 - June 27
June 2 - Kings Birthday
June 20th - Matariki
Term 3 - July 14 - Sept 19
Term 4 - October 65 - Dec 1 9
Oct 27 - Labour Day
What's for lunch ?
Every school day our entire Tamariki are served lunch. Made fresh onsite - EVERY DAY. Also included with every hearty, nutritious meal is yummy fresh seasonal fruit.
Check out our Facebook page or the newsletter tab on this website to see the weekly newsletter which includes each weeks menu.
There is no extra charge for the lunches as they are a part of the Ministry of Educations "Healthy school lunches programme".
Term 1 2025
Swimming - Daily
Swimming Sports 20th Feb
If your tamariki is registered at Waihi Central school you can download the Hero Linc-ed App, Hero is our secure online sharing platform, to keep up to date with tamariki reports, newsletters, reporting absences and much more. Visit our office if you need help logging in.
Why Not Waihi?
Click the image to view
Our very own Waihi Central School Tamariki were a part of a local tourism television advert.